
         Siapa Danu?                                    

Nama Lengkap: Danu Karunia Cipta
Nama Dunia Maya: Mcdy / McdyGaming / danukrnia 
Tanggal Lahir: 2 Agustus 1999
Gender: Cowok
Interested in: Videography, Video Game, PC, Movie, Traveling, Reading
Passion: Film Directing/Video Making , Promotion
Zodiak: Leo
Hobby: Main game, bikin video/short movie, Youtubing
Life Motto: "Kalo bisa sukses diusia muda, kenapa musti nunggu tua?"


Gaming Achivements
- 3rd place winner at gamepoint
- 3rd place winner at CrossFire Clan War Season2
- 1st place winner at CrossFire Clan War Season3
- 6th place winner at CrossFire Pro Championship season1
- 7th place winner at CrossFIre Pro Championship season2
- 2nd place winner at CWT JR Net Tanggerang
Game: CrossFire (FPS)

Movie Achivements
-1st Place National Movie Competition at SMAU MH Thamrin

Formal Achivements
- Student of the Month December from SMPi TUGASKU (COWOK PERTAMA YANG DAPET ITU GUE)
- Student of the Month Enterprenuer Febuary from SMPi TUGASKU
- Silver Play Button 100K Subscriber from YOUTUBE

InFormal Achievements
- Sukses mengendarai sepeda tanpa tangan
Juara 2 lomba catur antar kelas (ini penting!)

         Social Media                                    

Twitter/Instagram/Snapchat: @danukrnia
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/McdyGaming
Youtube: http://www.youtube.com/user/McdyGaming

        Education and Work                           

Formal Education
Primary School: SDN Kelapa Gading Barat 01 Pagi
Secondary School: SMP Islam Tugasku
High School: SMA Islam Al-Azhar Kelapa Gading

Work experiences
Founder & CEO
Source Network Indonesia
April 2013 - 2015

Source Network is Minecraft Server with creativity

November 2014 - present

danustory.com is a place to share experiences and unique stories

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